
Welcome to Reception's class page

Mrs Bailey

Reception Teacher

Hi everybody, I'm Mrs Bailey. Welcome to Reception! I am really looking forward to a new term. We will work together to learn about the world around us. 

Mrs Moran 

Reception Learning Support Assistant

Hello everybody, I am Mrs Moran and I am really enjoying watching everybody in the foundation unit grow and learn.


Mrs Rimmer 

Reception Learning Support Assistant and 1:1 Support 

Hi everyone, I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you. I will always be around to help if you need it. 


Miss Dean 

1:1 Learning Support Assistant 

Hi everyone, I am Miss Dean. I cant wait to see how you grow and change this year. 


Miss Moran 

1:1 Learning Support Assistant 

Hello, I am Miss Moran. I will be working with you in Reception class and am excited to help you throughout the year. 

Our Routine

The school day begins at 8:50am and the children should come directly to our classroom door to be greeted by staff.  When we arrive in class the children put their belongings away and sit on the carpet for register. Our aim is that the children become as independent as possible so it is their job to remember to hand in their homework and pass on any messages from home.  Every morning the children have 30 minutes Read, Write Inc. We learn new sounds and practise previous sounds. After Read, Write Inc. we have a small carpet time when we begin our English sessions. The children are then given free choice throughout the foundation unit with some adult directed tasks avaliable. Then the children tidy up ready for snack time. We ask that you provide a healthy snack which the children can enjoy with milk or water. Our maths sessions normally begins with a small carpet session. As before the children will then have the opportunity to access our continuous provisions with adult directed tasks. Around 11:30 the children tidy up the area they have been choosing in and gather on the carpet ready for story time. Lunchtime begins at 12 noon and ends at 1:30pm. Our afternoon sessions range from exploring the world around us, looking at the past and how things have changed, craft activities, Come and See sessions and laptop and iPad time. 

PE takes place on Wednesdays and we ask that children come to school in the PE kits.  

Spring term 1 

Our Local Area

Welcome to Corpus Christi Reception class page! 

This half term the children will be exploring our local area. They will look at the world and the different spaces that can found on our one world, then they will look at the UK, the St. Helens, then Rainford and then their homes and school.  

In literacy, we will continue to explore different parts of a story, timelining events in a story, discussing how characters feel, describing characters appearence and attitude and trying to summerise events of a story with ease. 

In maths, the children will be developing their knowledge of number by exploring numbers 1-5 and move onto 6-10. We will thinking about all elements of the numbers thinking about number formation, recognising the quantity, number bonds to make each number, shapes with that number of sides and patterns. 

In Religious Education 'To know you more clearly', the children will be exploring the third branch of Galilee to Jerusalem. They will be looking at the Epiphany and the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus. Then they will explore how Jesus welcomes everyone he meets and think about how they can live like Jesus did. 

Other areas of the curriculum allow the children to look in more detail at maps of our country, local area and school. They will create models of landmarks and discuss key recognizable spaces around the UK. 


Every Friday your child will recieve phonics and maths homework to practise their sounds and their maths skills. The aim of the homework is to consolidate what we have been learning in the week. Sometimes homework might be practical task, if you would like to share your child's successes and efforts please email any pictures of your child doing their homework either written or otherwise to [email protected] That way we can celebrate your child's efforts in school too. 

Please ensure your child brings in their reading books everyday so that we are able to read with your child. Reading books are changed every Wednesday. Additional books are provided to encourage reading for pleasure as we would like to develop a deep appreciation for books as early as possible, they are known as library books from our class library. 

If you have any questions or would like to speak to Mrs Bailey, please ring the school office or email on [email protected] 


We would LOVE to Hear from you

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF