Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

PSHE Curriculum


DISCOVER more about themselves, their emotions and the emotions of others.

RESPECT themselves physically and emotionally, other people and the choices they make, living in the wider world

ENTHUSIASTIC about creating well rounded, knowledgeable and safety aware humans, who are able to live well-rounded, healthy and balanced lives.

ASPIRATIONS are high in all areas of life, encouraging children to look to their futures to build relationships, be as healthy (physically and mentally) as they can be and to make meaningful contributions to life in the wider world.  

MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this world, by being in touch with their emotions, developing empathy and finding ways to use their skills and knowledge to make a significant impact on the world around them.


Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupil’s education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlines in the introduction to the national curriculum.

PSHE is a non-statutory subject. The DfE believe that teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and have not included central prescription in the National Curriculum. Schools should tailor their PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils and equip them with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.

The PSHE Association is a DfE grant funded association, that advises schools on their own PSHE curriculum. The objectives taught at Corpus Christi are based on the PSHE Association objectives and cover a wide range of areas, including the statutory teaching of

  • drug education
  • financial education
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

To make sure our PSHE DREAM Curriculum meets the needs of our children, we work to ensure we...

Encourage children to DISCOVER more about themselves, their emotions and the emotions of others.

Build a culture of RESPECT for themselves physically and emotionally, other people and the choices they make, living in the wider world

Are ENTHUSIASTIC about creating well rounded, knowledgeable and safety aware humans, who are able to live well-rounded, healthy and balanced lives.

Support high ASPIRATIONS in all areas of life, encouraging children to look to their futures to build relationships, be as healthy (physically and mentally) as they can be and to make meaningful contributions to life in the wider world.  

Inspire children to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this world, by being in touch with their emotions, developing empathy and finding ways to use their skills and knowledge to make a significant impact on the world around them.


This curriculum is taught through a variety of resources that work together to provide a wide range of activities covering the many different parts of the PSHE curriculum and Personal Development.


The EYFS Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) area of learning is taught through the strands of Story Time, Singing, Rules, Conflicts, Sharing, Feelings, Relationships, Achievements, Needs, Playing and Behaviour.


The Key Stages 1 and 2 PSHE Curriculum is taught using Twinkl Life. This scheme is split into three areas:

  • Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Living in the Wider World

Across the year, each year group works on each strand twice, with the exception of Year 4, who covers Health and Wellbeing once through this scheme.

As a Catholic School, our Relationship and Sex Education is taught in line with Catholic Teaching and the voice of the church. As the Twinkl Life scheme is not based on Catholic Teaching, the Year 4 unit ‘Growing Up’ has been removed from our DREAM Curriculum offer and the content is covered in our RSE lessons, detailed on our RSE webpage.

As a part of our PSHE curriculum, we teach the Equality Act through the ‘Everybody Welcome’ approach, recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Based on the book ‘No Outsiders in our Schools’ our DREAM Curriculum applies these lessons to allow the children to look at the varied and wonderful people who live in this world. The children learn about embracing differences, accepting other beliefs and cultures and recognising similarities, including gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability and age.


You can find copies of our PSHE Handbook below. The handbooks contain information about our long term plans and progression. 


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Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF