
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

Maths Curriculum

DISCOVER new facts, skills, information and experiences, through mathematical enquiry.

RESPECT each other, the use of different methods and the mathematical resources used to enhance learning across the school.

ENTHUSE and excite and develop mathematical knowledge and understanding, through engaging experiences and lessons.

ASPIRATIONS that are high in both school and beyond, and applying those aspirations in their mathematics work. 

MAKE A DIFFERENCE to themselves, each other and outside, in big and small ways, and use their understanding in mathematics to aid their ideas.

For all at Corpus Christi, we recognise the importance of developing well-rounded Mathematicians with key knowledge, fluency of skills and understanding and application of key concepts. Maths is a journey and through the small steps approach, children achieve through exploration, clarification and practice. At each stage of learning, we support our children to use concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies and understanding to build knowledge and fluency. Mathematical vocabulary is a used and developed to help children with their explanations and reasoning skills.


The Corpus Christi Maths DREAM curriculum covers the National Curriculum and uses White Rose Maths as a vehicle, to allow the small steps structure to be adapted and developed to suit the needs of the children. Other resources are used, including Maths Shed, TTRockstars, IDL Numeracy and Nrich to ensure the curriculum offer is suitable for individual children, while still giving them full access to their age related curriculum.

Alongside the daily Maths lesson, following the small steps, we implement 4-a-day sessions into the timetable. This gives the children opportunities to practise their arithmetic skills each day, working through different question types and fluency in calculations.

The children are given daily Reasoning tasks and given opportunities to develop their vocabulary in groups. We encourage children to make quick recall of facts and procedures, and develop a flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations. Our curriculum develops an ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics. We work to ensure children feel prepared to use their knowledge of key mathematical concepts to contribute to the society around them and the wider world.

You can find copies of our Maths Policies and Handbooks below. The handbook contains information about our long term plans and progression.

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Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Old Lane,
Merseyside, WA11 8JF