Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Athey
Class Teacher
Mrs Berry
Class Teacher
Welcome to the Year 3 class page!
Welcome to Year 3.
On behalf of all the staff in Year 3, welcome to our class page. This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing this term.
In Year 3, we always try to make our learning enjoyable and engaging so that it's memorable. We also work hard in lessons to reach clearly defined objectives and produce work of increasingly high quality.
We recognise that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. A strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child's education.
If you ever have any questions or would like a chat about subjects or progress, please do not hesitate to ask.
Mrs Athey & Mrs Berry
If you need to get in touch please ring the school office or email [email protected]
Y3 will explore the story - 'Star in a jar' by Sam Hay
They wlll then write their own stories using ideas gained from what they have read
We will also explore:
Narrative - The Blue Umbrella
Instructions - How to trap a dragon
Year 3 will be exploring the Hodgeheg this half term - the perfect autumn story! The children love Max the brave and determined hedgehog... or should we say hodgeheg! We can't wait to find more out about Max - if humans can cross the road, why can't hedgehogs?
This term Year 3 are exploring Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Our wonderful mathematicians are looking at representing numbers to 1000, number lines, estimating, adding and subtracting, arrays and the 2/3/4/8 times-tables.
We have loved using the mathematical resources including base 10, counters and number lines to support our learning.
Religious Education
This half term Year 3 are exploring the story of Creation. We have enjoyed reading from our class bible and learning about how God created our world. We have thought about how we can give praise and thanks to God for our special world and all that is in it.
Animals including humans: the 5 key food groups, nutrition, skeletons and exploring the role of muscles
Light: light sources, staying safe, reflective materials and shadows
How and why is my local area changing?
Year 3 are considering why do places change, how has their local area changed in the past, how did their local area change as a result of World War 1, how and why does the quality of the environment change in their local area and how do NASA satellite images inform us of environmental change on a global scale?
Claude Monet
Y3 will study the artist and will then produce their own designs using line and colour (pastels)
This half term Year 3 are studying computers and thinking about hwo they are connected. We have looked at how digital devices work with an input and an output and even invented our own fun digital devices!
PE (Physical Education)
This term Y3 will have PE on Tuesday
Homework will go home on a Friday and returned the following Wednesday.
This will include Spellings, Maths, a reading book and for timestables please log on to TT Rock Stars.
Spelling Test will be on Fridays.