Governing Body Make Up 2023 2024
Type of Governor | Name | Term of Office | Business / Pecuniary Interests | Governance Roles in Other Education Institutions. |
Executive Headteacher |
Anne-Louise Friar | Not Set | None | None |
Staff |
Katie Bailey |
Expires 11.10.27 | None | None |
Parent | Helen Marcroft | None | ||
Foundation | Jason Pickett | Expires 21.11.26 | Assistant Director of Children's Services | None |
LA Governor |
Rob Reynolds | Expires 22.05.22 | Councillor | None |
Foundation | Vacant | |||
Foundation |
Fr Paul Harris |
Expires 10.11.24 |
None | None |
Foundation | Jane Monk | Expires 21.11.26 | None | None |
Foundation | Denise Gibney | Expires 21.11.26 | None | None |
Foundation Vice Chair |
Melanie Lee | Expires 03.11.26 | None | None |
Parent | Emma Hartley |
Expires 01.11.26 |
None | None |
All Governors are contactable through the School via Letter.
The Governing Body was reconstituted with effect from Summer Term 2015
Chair and Vice Chair of the Full Governing Body and Committee Membership and Terms of Reference and Chair and Vice Chair of Committees are reviewed annually in the Autumn Term.
“As reflected in the law the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to, ‘Conduct the school with a view to promoting the high standards of educational achievement at the school.’
The three core strategic functions of the Governing Body are:
a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and the performance management of staff, and;
c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school making sure its money is well spent.”
(DFE Governors Handbook January 2015 p.7)
These functions are reflected in the School Governance and in Ofsted criteria to judge the effectiveness of Governance.
The number and type of committees is not set in statute, but each school’s Governing Body is free to determine how many Committees and Governor Panels is should have and the terms of reference of these Committees/Panels. The following details Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School Governing Body Committee/Panels Structure and Membership.
Headteacher |
Headteacher |
Website |
None Declared |
Fr Paul Harris |
Foundation |
Website |
None Declared |
Mr Tony Ford |
Foundation |
Chair |
Website |
None Declared |
Mrs Jane Monk |
Foundation |
Vice |
Website |
None Declared |
Mr Rob Reynolds |
LA Governor |
Website |
Council |
Mrs Melanie Lee |
Foundation |
Website |
None Declared |
Standards and Quality |
Headteacher |
Headteacher |
Website |
None Declared |
Foundation |
Mr Rob Reynolds |
Foundation |
Website |
None Declared |
Parent |
Mrs Denise Gibney |
Foundation |
Website |
None Declared |
Mrs E Hartley |
Parent |
Website |
None Declared |
Mr Jason Pickett |
Foundation |
Website |
Assistant Director |
Mrs Katie Bailey |
Staff |
Website |
None Declared |
Pupil Discipline and Exclusions |
Foundation |
Fr Paul Harris |
Foundation |
Mrs Jane Monk |
Foundation |
Mrs Melanie Lee |
Foundation |
Cllr Rob Reynolds |
Foundation |
Complaints |
Mrs Melanie Lee |
Foundation |
Mr Rob Reynolds |
Foundation |
Mrs E Hartley |
Parent |
Mrs Jane Monk |
Foundation |
Foundation |
Headteacher’s Performance Management |
Mr Tony Ford |
Foundation |
Mrs Jane Monk |
Foundation |
Rob Reynolds |
Foundation |
Staff Discipline and Grievance Committee |
Mr Jason Pickett |
Parent |
Headteacher |
Mr Rob Reynolds |
Foundation |
Mrs Jane Monk |
Foundation |
Foundation |
Pupil Admissions Committee |
Headteacher |
Mr Jason Pickett |
Foundation |
Foundation |
Mrs Denise Gibney |
Foundation |
Mrs Katherine Grange |
Parent |
Nominated Governors
Year 6 PSHE |
Mrs Katie Bailey SEND |
Year 3 Science Music |
Mrs Denise Gibney Maths |
Year 5 Religious Education English Collective Worship |
Mre E Hartley Foundation Subjects |
Nursery Art DT Foundation Unit |
Mrs J Monk SEND Safeguarding |
Reception Computing Geography History |
Mrs Melanie Lee Foundation Subjects Mr Rob Reynolds ICT Finance |
Year 1 Risk Assessment Spanish PE |
Mr Robert Reynolds Finance Educational Visits Sports Premium |
Year 2 Maths Healthy Schools Students |
Assessment Health and Safety |
Year 4 SMSC - Citizenship School Council |
Reading Phonics Writing |
Church RE Collective Worship Health and Wellbeing |
Mr Jason Pickett Transition Early Help LAC, CP, CIN Pupil Premium |